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About Tessa

I am a psychologist with a passion for psychological, social and spiritual growth. I believe in the inherent capacity for resilience and growth within each individual, and I am committed to accompanying my clients on their path to freedom and alignment.

My therapeutic approach is rooted in creating a safe and nurturing space for you to explore your inner world.

I am dedicated to providing personalised support, integrating various modalities to suit your specific needs and goals.


I am a member of the NIP, the Dutch Association of Psychologists.

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My Approach
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Life and Experience

I was born (1984) and raised in in the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since my mid twenties, I've been on a journey of self discovery, fuelled by a quest to heal from chronic insecurity and stress.

My academic pursuits in psychology, though valuable, left me yearning for approaches to truly heal suffering. It was through the teachings of Buddhism and the practice of insight meditation that I began to find profound relief. However, it wasn't until I delved into somatic work that I felt I had truly discovered the missing pieces of the puzzle.

For the past 15 years, I have worked as a teacher of psychology at university, a psychologist, meditation teacher and breathwork coach, both in the clinical setting as well as for businesses. I have worked both with groups and individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, burn-out and trauma. 

Now, I move with my husband and two kids between Thailand, France and the Netherlands and I offer online and in-person sessions for those seeking healing and growth.

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